Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Spooky mansions and witches

Even though it's only January, I'm working on Halloween.   Nevermore is working out much better on the 22ct fabric.  I finished the mansion and didn't swear at it once.  Which is good because I need to finish it by March for a birthday gift. 

I'm participating in the Halloween ornie SAL again this year.  We are to stitch an ornament a month.  January's topic is a fav of mine (who am I kidding, they're all favs of mine) ... witches.  I picked a larger project from Cross-eyed Cricket called Fright Flight for this witchy month and for May (aka pumpkin month).  

And now she'll have to wait until May to get her  balloon filled because February is SKELETON month.
What fun!

Monday, January 19, 2015

The first IHSW of 2015

Last weekend was the third weekend of the month which means International Hermit Stitching Weekend aka IHSW.  And I managed to get in some quality stitching time.

First up is Ho Ho Ho Santa from Prairie Schooler.  Before the weekend, I had Santa's beard and the tree stitched.  And now he's done :)  My first 2015 Christmas ornie finished during the first IHSW.

Next on my weekend stitching spree is Rocking Around the Tree.  Before the weekend I had all the green thread done in part 3 of this SAL.  Now I have the entire part 3 finished.  Well, except for an arch at the bottom.  It's supposed to be green but I'm afraid I'll run out of the green before finishing the top.   And since I'm using stash threads, I won't be able to get more of that dye lot.  I think I'll make it but until it's done, I'll be on pins and needles. You may (but probably won't) notice that the white stripes are more defined in this picture.  I wasn't happy with them (to pale compared to the rest of the parts) so I stitched over the x's and now I'm happy.

My third project for IHSW is a re-start.  I'm working on Nevermore from Prairie Schooler for a friend's birthday.  I started it in 28 ct over one a few weeks ago.  I've stitched over 1 on 28 ct before but this time it's not much fun.  I'm having problems with the lack of hole size and it was getting to be tedious and something to be avoided.  Even though I have the mansion almost finished, I decided to re-start this project on 22 ct hardanger fabric.  Good decision .... I happy to report the stitching is fun again.

I think I'll finish and save the first, tedious mansion for myself and turn it into a Halloween ornament.

And that's it for January's bit of hermit stitching.  Now off to visit other stitching hermits ... bye!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January's Gifted Gorgeousness SAL and more ....

Since it's the 15th of January, it's time for my first ever Gifted Gorgeousness SAL post.  And I actually have a finish!  Now before you let out a big congratulatory 'woohoo' .... please note that I didn't set my stitching sights too high for my first gifted gorgeousness project.  Here you have it, an adorable (albeit teeny tiny) Cuddly Dog by Mouseloft:

I also worked on part 4 of Rocking Round the Tree (not part of the GG SAL) and am almost finished with it:

I've stitched other projects since my last post but didn't get pics of them, so they can wait for another day.  I do have one more project to show, however.  I finished this one sometime before Christmas but never took a picture until now.   Pat's Papillon Sampler .... all I need to do is finish it into a small wall hanging for my friend and give it to her.

Happy Stitching!

Monday, January 5, 2015

First WIPocalypse of 2015

Hard to believe we are into 2015 already but here we are.  For my first WIPocalypse project I have Autumn Log Cabin from Gracewood Stitches.  I didn't manage much stitching, about 4 or 5 thread lengths, but that's how I'm going to work this one -- a few threads at a time.  This border seems to go on forever and I get bored easily with it at this point.  So, to keep from giving up entirely, if I only do a little at a time, it will get done.

I also managed a to get lots done on The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy from Cross-Eyed Cricket.  I love this one and am so happy to get something accomplished with it.

Two other projects that got some loving are the Inch sampler and Symmetry but since I just posted about them, you can check out my previous entries for their pics.  Still happy dancing' over Symmetry, btw.

I did not touch Mary Wigham or the Tulip Sampler this time because I need to spend quality time with Rockin' Around the Tree to get it done before the February deadline.  I'm almost finished with part 2 and loving how this tree is growing.

Have a good January!

Friday, January 2, 2015


Very excited here .... I figured out how to add pages!  How cool is that!?!

No stitching update but I'll leave you with a couple pictures of my Stormy when he was just a youngster having a blast doing agility at Tamarack's AKC trial in 2002.  The suckiest part of 2014 was losing him.  He was 14.  I miss my little man.

We should all have his gusto for life.