Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's new for 2013

I started a new project for the new year.  It's called Iris by designer Nolda von Hezewijk.  It's one of three patterns based on the work of Albert Smit.  Adriana was also based on the work of this gentleman.

You will notice after checking the link that I decided to change the colors a bit.  The bright blue is too much for my taste and instead of the gold thread, I'm using a DMC thread with blending filament over it (still lots of sparkle).  The fabric is 32 count cream Irish Linen and I'm stitching over 2 threads.  I'm lovin' the warm, caramel look of the browns.  Sooo yummy!

Another new thing is that I signed up for two ornament SALs in 2013.  One is for Halloween and the other is for Christmas.   I decided to try this because I find that I end up stitching lots of nice ornies for Christmas and never keep any for myself.  And so the plan is for me to end up with a few Christmas ornaments.  I have more Halloween ornies but decided to join it also.  Mainly because I really like stitching spooky stuff.

My Halloween ornament in January is a  Mill Hill kit called Bountiful Kitties.  I've had this one going for at least 3 years and would really like to finish it.  It's totally adorable -- which is why I bought it in the first place.  And for my Christmas ornament, I'm determined to finish one started back in January 2011 for the 2011 Crazy Challenge:

The kitty is actually finished (this is not a current pic) and all that needs added are the words and either french knots or beads to the tree.  How sad is that?

The final new news for the year is that last weekend, the dogs and I were in Edinboro for an AKC agility trial.  Meadow, my young female beagle, finished her 2 Novice titles.  These are her first AKC titles -- I'm very proud of her.  She's such a good beag!  And Willow, my oldest female beagle, got her second Open leg in standard and had a super JWW run.  She already has this title so the run was just for fun.  She's a super beag!

And here they are . . . .  my pups:

And if you made it this far  --  a happy Tuesday to you!


  1. Love your dogs, they're so sweet :D

    Iris looks fantastic, it's a great design too.

    Have a nice day :D

  2. Marcy, your colors are just stunning in Iris! Great choices! Also, I LOVE stitching Mill Hill kits, I love the looks of them and did a larger Halloween one, Autumn Kitties (I think that was the name) and enjoyed it so much. Meeting your dogs was a treat too! I'm an animal lover too.

  3. I like the Mill Hill Kit. Something I would stitch myself :)
    Happy Stitching!

  4. Oh wow! They must keep you very busy indeed. :D

  5. Your pups are adorable - what sweet faces! Love Iris, that's going to be marvelous and I admire you for changing up the colors, I am trying to overcome my fear of that. I love the Brittercup designs so I will enjoy returning to see how you progress on it. I added some things on my blog for this weekend's IHSW, I hope I make considerable progress!
