Last weekend was the third weekend of the month which means
International Hermit Stitching Weekend aka IHSW. And I managed to get in some quality stitching time.
First up is Ho Ho Ho Santa from Prairie Schooler. Before the weekend, I had Santa's beard and the tree stitched. And now he's done :) My first 2015 Christmas ornie finished during the first IHSW.
Next on my weekend stitching spree is Rocking Around the Tree. Before the weekend I had all the green thread done in part 3 of this SAL. Now I have the entire part 3 finished. Well, except for an arch at the bottom. It's supposed to be green but I'm afraid I'll run out of the green before finishing the top. And since I'm using stash threads, I won't be able to get more of that dye lot. I think I'll make it but until it's done, I'll be on pins and needles. You may (but probably won't) notice that the white stripes are more defined in this picture. I wasn't happy with them (to pale compared to the rest of the parts) so I stitched over the x's and now I'm happy.

My third project for IHSW is a re-start. I'm working on Nevermore from Prairie Schooler for a friend's birthday. I started it in 28 ct over one a few weeks ago. I've stitched over 1 on 28 ct before but this time it's not much fun. I'm having problems with the lack of hole size and it was getting to be tedious and something to be avoided. Even though I have the mansion almost finished, I decided to re-start this project on 22 ct hardanger fabric. Good decision .... I happy to report the stitching is fun again.
I think I'll finish and save the first, tedious mansion for myself and turn it into a Halloween ornament.
And that's it for January's bit of hermit stitching. Now off to visit other stitching hermits ... bye!