Thank goodness!
I've been stitching in my free time instead of going online. Mostly I've been cross stitching .... nothing that requires much concentration because my brain is usually fried by the time I get home from work.
See the Star is coming along nicely. Though I did do a miscount in the area to the left -- off by one thread! DRAT! It's only noticable in the overdyed yellow area, soooo, I think I'm gonna just cover the offending goof with a nice charm when it's finished. No one will ever know .
I really like the violet-magenta color combination of the 2 unfinished motiffs. Perhaps I need to do something with this color combo in the future?
Midnight Garden by Orna Willis is growing nicely. This one is fun just playing with the thread colors. My bullion knots are a bit lumpy -- I never made them with perle coton before -- and I've added a few more french knots than required. I may even add a few more. What can I say? I love french knots.
I also love the way the green overdyed thread positively **POPS** against the purple background. It isn't that obvious in this pic but in real life, it screams.
Another fun color combo to play with in the future.
The next Marquior mystery sampler is coming along also. In fact, I am current with it now. WooHoo! How cool is that?

I have this one on rollers and need to get a picture of the entire thing. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Don't you just love the beautiful letters on this sampler? I used to typeset at a printing company and learned to love fonts.
When this is finished, I'm thinking it should be a bell pull hanging on my front door. Maybe hang some little bells on the bottom so when the door opens, it'll chime??
This next piece is a sweet little heart for Mother's Day. I decided to do it all in white because my mom used to say - white goes with everything. Only one more part and it will be finished. I'm thinking it should become a little ornament.
As an aside, I stitched this next piece in 2008 in memory of my mom who died 10 years ago. I adapted a small hardanger pattern I got at a garage sale (sorry to say I cannot remember the name of the designer or pattern, but it originally came with ceramic angel buttons. I think all were broken except one.) Anyway, I chose the colors because they remind me of mom:
Red was her most favorite color
White her second favorite
and Chocolate .... now that was her favorite-est ... YUM!
Meadow is getting cuter every day
And last but not least ......
In Memory of my lovely Wisteria tree
I have no idea what happened but one day I looked out and it had fallen over. Perhaps the wind blew it down? or the roots rotted? or ? I have no idea what actually happened but I'm going to miss my lovely little tree. Hopefully some of the roots will come back to life and another one will grow.
Happy Spring to you!