Unfortunately, there isn't much stitching to show for the past couple weeks. Besides having a major allergy attack, the dogs and I have been busy going to classes during the week and shows on the weekends. Plus, I've taken a couple one day stitching classes (the bunny garden and stumpwork class). And finally, it seems that every stitch I put in, must be done twice -- it's the attack of the frogs!
I have managed to complete part 4 of Odds & Ends -- with deviations from the original. I finally decided to just let the 'errors' stand as they are and work around them. After all, this piece is called 'odds & ends'.
And from frogs I went to a bunny. With this free form embroidery piece there are no mistakes -- whatever I put down stays down. Hopefully, this will change my luck and chase all those froggies away. It's starting to look more like a bunny. Just in case, I labeled the nose and tail to give you an idea of it's bunny shape.
The final piece is a stumpwork class I took on Saturday from Marsha Papay Gomola to honor Ohio Day (I think that's what they called it -- I'm not a resident of Ohio, so I'm not sure). The finished scissor fob has the state insect (ladybug), flower (carnation), and tree (buckeye) on it. The bee, caterpillar and spider are just extras but are also plentiful in Ohio.
The photo on the right is what I finished in class. Please notice the lady bug size in relation to the buckeye and carnation. LOL -- that's one big bug! It must have eaten it's Wheaties every day.
I enjoy stumpwork but don't feel confident enough of my skills to do it without taking a class. One of these days I'll have the skills to try it on my own and then I can stitch the patterns from my stash. Who else buys patterns without knowing how to do them?
Have a good stitching day!